Analytics Category

The following is all of the blog posts and articles I have written and are catageorized as Analytics

Discord Bot Part 5 - Infrastructure as Code

Now that the template of the bot is pretty stable and is modular in nature the next step is to develop a Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment pipeline. To achieve this we are going to use GitHub Actions and Azure Resource Manager Templates to package our infrastructure, configuration and code and deploy it to Azure. If you don’t want to read through the process I used, you can go straight to the new Bot Template on GitHub

Discord Bot Part 4 - Using Event Grid

So far with our Discord bot we have our main parts together and running pretty simply. Any messages that come through will save to a table storage account where we can do some extra processing or keeping a log of what is going on. This runs pretty well but lets clean up our architecture and pipelines and make something a little be more scalable and interesting. First, let’s revisit what our architecture looks like:

How to Log and Analyze Azure Functions

When you create an Azure Function in Visual Studio you will have a ILogger injected into your method that provides logging services for you. When you run your Azure Functions locally this logger will display messages in the console, but for deployments you can connect Azure Application Insights to your Function to capture these logs, as well as provide a heap of monitoring information. Let’s check out how this works and what you can do with it.