Azure Category

The following is all of the blog posts and articles I have written and are catageorized as Azure

Discord Bot Part 2 - Using Azure Storage Queues and Service Bus

In my previous post we created a basic Discord bot that could listen to events from a Discord server. Up next we are going to start taking those events and moving them into a Storage Queue so they can be processed by an Azure Function. We are also going to get the bot to listen to a Service Bus Queue so it can pick up a message and deliver it back to the Discord Server.

Discord Bot Part 1 - Designing the Bot and creating the event proxy

Building services using a microservices architecture offers a number of benefits, especially when combined with the serverless options cloud providers can offer. This combination allows you to build a variety of small services, that cost very little, but can scale up with minimal to no additional effort and handle burst scaling really well. Over the next few posts I am going to go through designing and building a microservices application using a variety of services within Azure.

Creating a Contact Form API with Azure Functions

I’ve been looking into Azure Functions for the last few months, playing around with various experiments when I have had time. For those who haven’t heard of them, Azure Functions are a service that lets you build event based micro services without the need to manage any infrastructure. For someone who runs a static website without a WebApp server or virtual machine, this can add a lot of additional functionality that you would normally need dedicated infrastructure to provide.

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