CSS Category

The following is all of the blog posts and articles I have written and are catageorized as CSS

It's Alive! Go live with the new site design

Well, I’ve finally finished the site update, and just in time as well as I have another article to write before the end of the year. Let’s take a look at the final site updates and see the result. List Pages While there was not much left to do, there are two content specific page types that I needed to make up to finish off the site. The first was the list pages for the blog and the articles.

Pure CSS Style and Some Tricks

I wanted to give my site a bit more of a personal feel to it with the redesign. I am also trying to stick to my thoughts around using only HTML and CSS. To serve both of these needs I have created my site as more of a desk top / drawing pad style feel. Front Page I spent a bit of time browsing Code Pen and CSS Tricks to implement the following front page.

Pure CSS Navbar, Flex and Grids

This week I started on the cleaning up of my site. One of the main reasons I am doing this, apart from refreshing the site a bit, is to learn and optimize the HTML and CSS. My current site uses Bootstrap under the covers, which has been fine and will probably be fine if I wanted continue down this path. However I like the idea of crafting something just for my needs and learning new things.